English Teaching: Practice and Critique

VISL in Danish schools

Volume 5 Number 1 May 2006

Anette Wulff (Visual Interactive Syntax Learning)

The acronym VISL is short for Visual Interactive Syntax Learning (www.visl.sdu.dk). This article will concentrate on grammar games as one of the teaching aspects of the VISL site. The idea behind the use of VISL in schools is that learning can and should be fun. It is a part of the VISL pedagogy that linguistic and grammatical knowledge and information can be learned by using interactive computer games. On the VISL webpage one finds a number of educational grammar games. Each of these games is designed to give the user a better understanding of the concept of word classes and sentence functions. This article gives information about a number of grammar games and information on how to play the games. There is also information on the use of VISL in Danish schools. 

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