English Teaching: Practice and Critique

Teachers as bricoleurs: Producing plausible readings of curriculum documents

Volume 3 Number 2 September 2004

Eileen Honan (University of Queensland, Australia)

This paper describes teachers as bricoleurs who are professionals engaging in rigorous theoretical work as they construct meaningful assemblages of classroom practice. The author uses examples of two teachers taking up critical literacy discourses in their teaching and conversations to explain the construction of the teacher as bricoleur. Drawing on work by Deleuze and Guattari, a rhizotextual analysis of data is undertaken to explain the connections between the disparate discourses used by the two teachers and the documents of the Queensland English Syllabus. This understanding of the professional work of teachers negates assumptions about teachers as atheoretical and blind followers of departmental policies and curriculum directives. The author concludes with a description of one method for giving teachers the time and reflexive space to theoretically engage with issues surrounding their professional practice. 

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