English Teaching: Practice and Critique

Can literacy be environmental? Saving the world, one verb at a time

Volume 3 Number 3 December 2004

Jeri Pollock (Our Lady of Mercy School, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

In today's world, it is as important to teach our students concern for the planet as it is tolerance for all races, religions and genders. Educator and literacy theorist Paulo Freire defines literacy as the ability of a learner to "read the word and the world" and claims that such learning, indeed all learning, begins with the novice understanding how to "name" (that is, read and write about) the tangible items that make up his/her personal world (Freire & Macedo, 1987, p. 29). This paper will discuss how English classes in which students focus on the environmental issues which impact their own lives can serve as preparation for success in academia. 

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