Dr Claire Charles

Affiliation: Deakin University, Australia
Homepage: Personal Site

Dr. Claire Charles is a lecturer in the School of Education at Deakin University, Australia. Her Research explores intersections of popular culture, education, and identity with particular reference to young women, and young femininities. She has published articles in various international journals, arising out of research projects on gender, learning and new media, as well as her doctoral project, which examined how young women within the environment of elite, private girls' secondary schooling were developing their classed identities at the intersection of powerful representations and discourses within both popular culture and schooling about being a 'girl' in contemporary western culture.

Articles by this Author
Heteroglossia: A space for developing critical language awareness? Volume 3 Number 3 December 2004
Exploring “girl power”: Gender, literacy and the textual practices of young women attending an elite school Volume 6 Number 2 September 2007