Elena Ortells Montón

Affiliation: Universitat Jaume I of Castelló

My name is Elena Ortells Montón (PhD) and I am a tenured lecturer in the Department of English Studies at the Universitat Jaume I of Castelló in Spain.

I currently teach several undergraduate courses on American Literature and a module in a Masters course which entitles students to go for a competition exam which will allow them to teach English in Spanish Secondary schools. The module I teach tries to make students aware of the importance of introducing literature in the teaching of English as a Foreign Language. When I say literature I mean “real literature” not “graded readers” because that is what most teachers usually do in Spain: to use graded readers.

My main research interest, together with the aforementioned, is American literature, with particular attention to captivity narratives. I have published articles in Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos, Academic Exchange Quarterly, Culture, Language and Representation and Atlantis, Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies, among other journals. Books published include La verdadera historia del cautiverio y la restitución de Mary Rowlandson. Traducción, estudio crítico y notas (A True History of the Captivity and Restoration of Mary Rowlandson). Translation, Critical Study and Notes) (2008); Truman Capote, un camaleón ante el espejo (Truman Capote, a Chamaleon at the Mirror) (2009) and Prisioneras de salvajes. Relatos y confesiones de mujeres cautivas de indios norteamericanos (Prisoners of Savages. Stories and Confessions of Captive Women of American Indians) (2012).

Articles by this Author
Teaching English as a foreign language in Spanish secondary schools: The value of literature Volume 12 Number 1 May 2013