Elizabeth Bifuh-Ambe

Affiliation: Graduate School of Education, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Homepage: Personal Site

Dr. Elizabeth Bifuh-Ambe is an Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Education, University of Massachusetts, Lowell (UML), where she teaches courses in literacy, language arts and literature, and content area reading. Before joining UML in 2007, she served in various capacities; among them, Assistant Professor of Literacy at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, instructor of Literacy and Diversity at the University of Southern Mississippi, Middle and High School English Literature, and English as a Second Language teacher, Cameroon, West Africa, Middle and High School Language Arts and Literature teacher, American School of Niamey, Niger (ASN), and UNICEF consultant and grant writer, UNICEF, Niger. Her research interests include literacy development, content area literacy, multicultural education and English as second language. Her publications include: Inviting reluctant readers to the literacy club: Some comprehensive strategies to tutor individual or small groups of reluctant readers, Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, (2007) and Literacy skills acquisition and use: A study of English language learners (ELL) in a U.S. university context, Adult Basic Education and Literacy Journal (2009).

Articles by this Author
Developing successful writing teachers: Outcomes of professional development exploring teachers' perceptions of themselves as writers and writing teachers and their students' attitudes and abilities to write across the curriculum Volume 12 Number 3 December 2013