English Teaching: Practice and Critique

From I-Search to iSearch 2.0

Volume 10 Number 4 December 2011

Tara L. Alvey (Austin Peay State University)

Nathan C. Phillips (Vanderbilt University)

Emily C. Bigelow (Vanderbilt University)

Blaine E. Smith (Vanderbilt University)

Erin Pfaff (Vanderbilt University)

Walt Colt (Vanderbilt University)

Kevin Leander (Department of Teaching and Learning, Peabody College, Vanderbilt University)

Bridget Dalton (Vanderbilt University)

Jasmine Y. Ma (Vanderbilt University)

This classroom narrative proposes a process for reinventing academic research and writing in secondary schools for the 21st Century. We build on Macrorie's (1988) I-Search paper, drawing on affordances of Web 2.0 technologies and culture, to initiate the iSearch 2.0 process. iSearch 2.0 consists of four phases: 1) messing about and trying on questions; 2) exploring and expanding the edge of knowledge; 3) publication; and 4) reflection and self-assessment. This new academic research and writing process makes it possible for students to investigate and try out possible research topics, actively participate in the social construction of knowledge, trace sources efficiently, create meaningful products, and distribute information (regarding both the process and products of research) widely. iSearch 2.0 allows students to receive feedback from broad publics during the process of research and also to utilise multiple methods and compositional modes for self-reflection. Assessment strategies for iSearch 2.0 can incorporate interest communities outside the school and should consider the process and products of inquiry.

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